SenseMaker the eBook
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The book is designed to provide an academically vigorous underpinning to SenseMaker® which can be referenced in training courses and other documentation including methods. It will not seek to set out a single approach, but to identify areas of coherence.
Style Guidelines
- Article length between 3,000 and 5,000 words
- Case length around 1,500 words
- Harvard style references (at end of chapter)
Deadlines and key actions
- 26FEB21 Final list of authors confirmed
- 30APR21 Deadline for drafts
- 14MAY21 Deadline for peer review
- 1JUN21 Final draft
Main Contents
Dave Accepted
John Van Breda Accepted
SenseMaker® and the Sciences: Towards a New “Normal”
Emma Accepted
"Not something I would have predicted": Aesthetics, Cynefin and Complexity
Jules Accepted, research assistance from Marianne Yim
SenseMaker® and technology/software/architecture
Ken Accepted
Artificial Intelligence/ Training data sets / Anticipatory Triggers / Big, thick and rich data
Peter Accepted
SenseMaker® within a wider research context
Zhen Accepted
SenseMaker® and Assemblage Theory
Anna and Ellie Accepted
Narrative Landscapes & Vector theory or change
Marietjie Accepted
Polyphony and epistemic justice
Beth Accepted
In the context of development
Irene Accepted
In the context of healthcare
Rosanna and Anne Accepted
In the context of Peace and Reconciliation
Keil Accepted
SenseMaker® and Ritual
Kendra Accepted
The complexity of listening: toward a liberative and responsible approach to citizen engagement
David H Accepted
The Mind of the Analyst
Wendy E Accepted
Andy and Lisa Accepted
- Dave Camlin: Group singing as a Resource for the Development of a Healthy Public (accepted)
- Kai Mausch and Dave Harris: Households’ aspirations for rural development through agriculture (accepted)
- Our Tomorrows: Jackie Counts / Kansas University (Accepted)
Sandbank of Ideas for next eBook
Reference list
All known articles, possibly with commentary